If you haven’t thought about the wireless network you connect to on campus, you should. OIT provides two different Wi-Fi networks for you to choose from: OIT strongly recommends all students, faculty, and…
Which UT Wireless Network is Best for You?
Use eduroam for the Best Experience in the Classroom
Over the past several months, OIT has been improving the eduroam Wi-Fi network on campus to allow for faster speeds and better connectivity. This secure network requires you to register…
Upcoming Changes to eduroam
OIT is moving to a new Wi-Fi standard on January 4, 2023, to provide a better experience when connecting to eduroam, UT’s secure Wi-Fi network. With these changes, eduroam will…
Get the Best UTK WiFi Connection on Campus
If you want secure, fast wireless connections while using UT’s WiFi network, take a few minutes and try these OIT recommendations and best practices. Connect to eduroam Access UT’s most…