Message from Tim Cross in Common Ground 4/20/2021 The Office of Information Technology Services and technology professionals from across the Institute are working together to standardize IT processes and reduce…
MyUTIA Portal Project Announcement
The e-Marketplace (formerly the AgStore) is the online retail system made available to units, departments, counties, centers, stations and other Institute-related organizations. By incorporating e-Marketplace into your marketing plan, your…
UT Vault – Secure Courier
The UT Vault is a secure file transfer service that allows users to easily send large files quickly and securely. Files are transferred via encrypted HTTP and stored in an…
Encrypted Emails
There is a way to send encrypted email directly from your Office 365 account. To encrypt your message, add the word encrypt as a simple predetermined code word, or trigger,…
Is it Phishing or Is It Legit?
Did you know that OIT has a webpage listing recent Email Scams known to the University? As you report suspicious email to OIT Abuse at, OIT lists the known…
Adobe Creative Cloud
All UTIA faculty and staff, except those paid by E01 accounts, are covered under the license purchased by UTIA and can access Adobe Creative Cloud at no charge to them.…
Enabling Zoom Live Transcripts
In order to make our online meetings more accessible for all participants, Zoom has added closed captioning. Below are the steps to turn on Closed Captioning and to enable live…